Pakistani actor Sheheryar Munawar and actress Maheen Siddiqui have been making headlines with their wedding celebrations, which have captured widespread attention. The pre-wedding festivities continued with a grand qawwali night, hosted by Salman Iqbal, CEO of ARY Digital Network, and his wife, Sonya Khan. The event was an intimate gathering with close family and friends, celebrating the couple’s union.
What do you think of Sheheryar Munawar and Maheen Siddiqui’s stylish pre-wedding Qawwali night?
For the occasion, Sheheryar, known for his role in ‘Aye Ishq e Junoon,’ donned a regal gold kurta shalwar paired with a matching embellished waistcoat. He completed the look with a luxurious blue velvet shawl. Maheen, his bride-to-be, complemented him in a royal blue lehenga with a pastel pink dupatta, creating a stunning visual harmony. The couple’s exquisite outfits were designed by renowned designer Mohsin Naveed Ranjha, adding a bespoke touch to the celebration. The duo did look make for each other in their lovely colour-coordinated outfits.
The qawwali night was filled with joy and love, as the couple interacted with their loved ones and posed for memorable photos. Their wedding festivities have resonated deeply with fans, showcasing their close-knit bond with family and friends. Sheheryar shared glimpses from the star-studded event on Instagram, offering a behind-the-scenes look at the magical evening.
In his Instagram post, Sheheryar expressed his gratitude to the hosts, writing, “Endless gratitude to our wonderful friends @khan_sonya and @salman_ary for giving us an unforgettable qawwali night.” He also thanked the legendary qawwali singer, Rahat Fateh Ali Khan, for his soul-stirring performance and praised Mohsin Naveed Ranjha for bringing their vision to life with his exquisite designs.
Rumours about Sheheryar and Maheen’s wedding began earlier this year, and the actor confirmed in a recent interview that they would be tying the knot by the end of December. Watch out this space for more news around the lovely couple’s wedding.