Dua Lipa rang in the New Year in style with her boyfriend, actor Callum Turner, by her side. In a new Instagram post, the singer showed off her New Year’s Eve party and included a picture of her kissing Turner—possibly at midnight. The sweet picture comes amid engagement rumors after fans spotted Lipa wearing a ring on that finger in her post from Christmas Day. In her latest carousel, Lipa once again appears to be wearing a ring on the same finger. “Let me see the ringggg,” one fan commented.
“Danced our way into the new year!!! HELLO 2025!!!! Only took me a couple days to resurrect blaaaady ellllll but here we areeee,” she wrote in the caption. Her photos saw her dancing the night away with friends, drinking cocktails, smoking a few cigarettes, and, generally, having a total blast.
For the occasion, she wore a navy fur short jacket, which she wore around her shoulders, along with a matching bra with skinny black straps. She wore black leather pants with a chunky black belt and kept her hair down in loose waves and a center part. To finish off the look, she accessorized with an array of silver jewelry, including her silver cross necklace, a cuff bracelet, and several rings. All in all, the outfit was the perfect mash up of two of last year’s biggest trends: mob wife and brat.
Several fans were quick to note that the look seemed to channel early Dua Lipa circa mid-2010s. “2017 x 2021 dua omg??,” one wrote. Another added, “Dua Lipa 2015 vibes.” A third wrote, “Welcome back 2017.”