Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh are overjoyed as they recently became parents to a beautiful baby girl, Dua Padukone Singh. The couple, who tied the knot in 2018, welcomed their little princess on the second day of Ganesh Chaturthi in 2024, adding to the celebration. Recently, the new parents were spotted together at the airport, once again proving that they are true couple goals, striking adorable poses for the paparazzi.
During their airport outing, Deepika and Ranveer looked effortlessly chic. Deepika donned a stylish blue and white striped shirt paired from Saica with flared jeans, completing her look with cool sunglasses and sneakers. Ranveer, looking dashing as always, opted for a blue-toned pantsuit, accessorizing with trendy glasses, sneakers, and a stylish tied-up hairdo. The couple couldn’t stop smiling as they posed for the cameras, radiating happiness.
The netizens were quick to comment on Deepika’s effortless airport style. As the pictures and videos of the actress made it to social media, some netizens dropped heart emojis for Deepika. One wrote, “This is the way to dress for the airport,” while another wrote, “So effortless. Deepika needs to give fashion lessons to her peers.”
In a heartwarming moment a few days ago, Deepika and Ranveer hosted a small gathering to introduce their daughter, Dua, to the paparazzi. According to the photographers, the couple made everyone feel at ease with a warm welcome. Deepika brought a half-asleep Dua to meet the guests, with the little one lifting her eyelids to take a peek at her surroundings.
Deepika Padukone’s airport style is a perfect reflection of her effortless elegance. She has an innate ability to strike the ideal balance between comfort and chic, often opting for outfits that are both practical for travel and stylish enough to make a statement. With her impeccable sense of fashion, Deepika effortlessly blends casual and sophisticated elements, showcasing her ability to make even the simplest of looks seem glamorous. Whether she’s wearing relaxed separates or a sleek ensemble, her airport appearances never fail to turn heads, proving that casual can be just as fashionable as formal.