Jennifer Garner, who recently provided shelter to ex Ben Affleck, is under scrutiny after an old video of her unkind interaction with an A-list celebrity resurfaced, after addressing the Los Angeles wildfires dramatically.
The time-worn clip showcased an uncomfortable exchange amid the celebrities, sparking debate among Alias star’s fans and followers.
The critics highlighted the moment as evidence of misbehavior or strained relations between the two stars.
However, the resurfacing of the video has added fuel to the ongoing controversy surrounding Garner’s recent move on addressing the Los Angeles wildfires in a more dramatic way rather than putting forward a genuine concern.
In the video, the actress appeared to be ‘acting’ in her response to the fires, leading many viewers to question the authenticity of her emotional appeal.
Critics took to social media, accusing Garner of using the devastating crisis for personal publicity rather than truly empathizing with those affected.
For the unknown, Jennifer Garner has been volunteering to serve food to victims of chaotic wildfires throughout Southern California, after emotionally revealing to MSNBC last week that she had lost a friend in the disaster.