Everyone wants beautiful, healthy houseplants. But sometimes—even when you think you’ve done everything to prevent it—the foliage on your plants turns brown. Brown tips on houseplants can occur because of several issues, such as overwatering or too much sun exposure. To help you find the cause of this problem, we chatted with plant experts to find out the most common reasons houseplants have brown tips—and how to fix each issue.
Overwatering can lead to root rot, causing your plant’s leaves to turn brown. “Roots that are constantly exposed to too much water and moisture can struggle to get the proper oxygen they need,” says Jeremy Yamaguchi, CEO of Lawn Love. “This makes it difficult for the plant to absorb enough water, leading to the leaves of the plant dying.”
You can fix this problem by adjusting how much water your plant receives. Before watering, poke a finger in the soil to check for moisture. If it still feels wet about 2 inches down, you can wait longer to water. Also ensure your plant is potted in a container with drainage holes. If the root rot is severe, you may need to repot your houseplant.
On the other hand, underwatering can also cause brown tips. “Just like with overwatering, underwatering can lead to plant leaves starting to die, which can make the tips turn brown as they don’t get enough hydration,” says Yamaguchi.
To prevent this, determine how much water your plant needs. “Tropical plants require constant moisture, whereas cacti and succulents prefer their growing medium to dry thoroughly between watering sessions,” says Anastasia Borisevich, resident plant expert at Plantum. If the soil feels dry to the touch about 2 inches down, give your plant a drink.
Too Much Sunlight
Too much sunlight is another common problem that can lead to brown tips. “Browning at the edges and tips is a sign that you might need to protect your plants from sun damage,” says Borisevich. This can be done in many different ways—use shade cloths and row covers to protect your plant if it is outdoors on a patio, water your plants in the early morning to help them stay hydrated throughout the day, or simply relocate your houseplant to a shadier part of the house.
Too Much Fertilizer
There is such a thing as too much of a good thing. Yes, you need fertilizer to help your plants grow, but too much fertilizer can cause salt to build up in the soil, damaging the roots. “Damaged plant roots are incapable of delivering water and nutrients to the plants as needed, which can then result in leaf tips turning brown,” says Yamaguchi. Repot the plant to fix this issue and scale back how often you’re fertilizing.
Temperature stress can also make your plant’s tips turn brown. “Leaves can turn brown if you freeze your plant,” says Borisevich. Avoid this by making sure your plant’s foliage isn’t touching cold window glass. Move any pots on the floor to an elevated surface, like a coffee table or shelf, in a warm location with adequate sunlight. Also avoid using too-cold water in winter to water your plants.