Bianca Censori, who is known for her daring fashion choices, is once again capturing fans attention with her latest look, during an outing with husband Kanye West in Tokyo.
The 30-year-old turned head as she opted a striking look with an uncommon bold outfit. She chose more refined look that still managed to make a statement.
Despite the cold temperatures in Tokyo, she donned a sophisticated fur coat, pairing it with printed leggings that showcased her bold style.
Kanye West, never one to shy away from attention himself, stood by her side in a vintage all-black outfit.
The couple’s Tokyo excursion also included internet influencer Justin LaBoy, who has been accompanying them on their travels.
As Kanye West and Bianca Censori continue to enjoy their international tour, Bianca’s latest ensemble in Tokyo proves she’s not just a fashion risk-taker but she’s setting new trends with every step.