Nita Ambani, alongside her husband Mukesh Ambani and their in-laws Ajay and Swati Piramal, recently made a stylish entrance at the Udaipur airport, capturing attention as they arrived in the City of Lakes. A fan page shared a video of the family as they stepped off their flight, greeted warmly with flower petals. While Mukesh Ambani and Ajay Piramal kept their outfits simple and casual with basic shirts and trousers, Nita Ambani and Swati Piramal turned heads with their elegant ensemble choices, showcasing their signature grace and style.
Nita Ambani, who is known for her timeless sartorial choices and exquisite jewellery collection, once again proved her fashion prowess. For this airport look, she chose a simple yet elegant cream-coloured kurta set, showcasing both traditional charm and modern elegance. The kurta featured quarter-length sleeves and was adorned with beautiful, intricate floral patterns in a palette of colours, adding a fresh and lively vibe to the look. The addition of matching flared palazzo pants with the same floral motifs tied the outfit together, creating a harmonious balance of style and comfort.
What truly elevated the outfit was the organza dupatta she draped over her shoulders. The dupatta was adorned with gold thread embroidery along its borders, which added an extra touch of sophistication to the ensemble. Nita styled the dupatta gracefully across her front and over her shoulders, further highlighting the traditional charm of the outfit.
As for her accessories, Nita opted for a minimal yet striking selection. She paired the look with gold block heels, a pastel pink handbag, and diamond stud earrings, which complemented the soft tones of her outfit. Nita chose to leave her hair loose in a sleek, centre-parted style, letting her natural beauty shine through. Her makeup was kept subtle, allowing the simplicity and elegance of the ensemble to take centre stage.
This look by Nita Ambani truly exemplified her effortless ability to blend traditional Indian fashion with contemporary elegance, setting a perfect example for how to master casual yet chic airport style. Her choice of a cream-coloured kurta set not only captured the spirit of the occasion but also reminded us that Nita Ambani’s fashion is always a graceful, elevated affair, no matter the occasion.