This brain teaser may look really easy at first, but it is trickier than you think! Hidden inside a sea of 02s is the number 20 waiting to be spotted. It sounds like an easy job, but the vast majority of people fail to locate it in under six seconds. In fact, only 2% of people manage to do it within this short time frame, making it a real challenge. If you’re able to find the number 20 faster than most, you’ll definitely have bragging rights!
If you can’t spot the solution yet, don’t worry. Here’s another clue: the 20 lies nine rows from the bottom somewhere in the middle row of the grid. If you like your puzzle intact, look away now because we are revealing the answer.
Why are brainteasers like this so good at keeping your mind sharp? Puzzles under time pressure sharpen cognitive performance, sharpen memory, and increase focus and attention. Many use brainteasers as a means to keep their minds active; others believe that constant exercising of the brain might delay the onset of dementia.
Adding speed to the challenge benefits the individual even more because it enhances mental agility and concentration. Practice can bring out cognitive ability, make the mind faster, and, in some cases, even help individuals solve problems. It is not just kids who benefit, but adults as well: they can sharpen their minds by solving brainteasers.
Scientific evidence grows only for the benefits of exercising the brain. Scientists had proved that repeated solving of jigsaw puzzles contributes to the improvement in mental speed, memory conservation, and attention.
Besides these, these activities are believed to minimize the risk of cognitive decline when we grow old. Therefore, it is an excellent way to stay sharp throughout life. The next time you encounter a tricky brainteaser, take up the challenge and give your brain a workout; it’s a fun and effective way to stay mentally fit!